Home Safety Tips: Preventing Falls and Accidents

Seniors can stay safe from falls and avoid accidents in their homes by implementing these helpful tips from our physiotherapists.

  1. Wear shoes with good rubber soles. Avoid loosely fitting slippers. Avoid walking in socks on tile/timber surfaces.

  2. Ensure corridors, terraces, and stairs are in good condition, with handrails and are not slippery.

  3. Store heavy items in lower cupboards and lighter ones above.

  4. Avoid rushing to do things; rest when needed and plan the day.

  5. Review with the Physio any trip hazards, keep the path from the bed to the bathroom clear, and consider installing grip bars in the shower or bath.

  6. Allow time to adjust when moving from brightly lit to darker areas. Ensure adequate lighting when getting up at night 

  7. Secure scatter rugs in place or remove them.

  8. Try tai chi or a program developed by your physio to strengthen legs and core and improve balance.

  9. It is totally normal to feel unsteady while doing reactive balance training, your physio will ensure the environment is safe and controlled.

Poor balance and strength will affect a person’s mobility and increase their risk of falling. Research has shown that in older people living in the community, the exercise of any type has been shown to reduce the risk of falling by 23%. So, by improving balance and strength, people can reduce their risk of falling and suffering a fall-related injury.



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Laura Angarita