Fall Prevention Strategies in Aged Care

Written by Jonathan Tay - UPG National Manager (Clinical Services) & Physiotherapist 

It's essential to think about falls when it comes to elderly populations. Falls can be really harmful to their health, and they're actually the main reason older Australians aged 65 and above end up in the hospital due to injuries. Shockingly, about 30% of people in this age group have a fall at least once every year, and around 10% of those falls lead to a hospital stay.

As physiotherapists dedicated to the well-being of seniors in the aged care sector, we assume a vital responsibility in safeguarding older adults against the risk of falls. Our approach encompasses a range of interventions and strategies meticulously designed to maintain their independence and overall well-being.

Our team of physios are committed to tailoring our care to the individual needs of seniors with a history of falls. We apply comprehensive strategies to substantially decrease the likelihood of future falls and enhance their safety.

Within this blog, we delve into five essential elements of fall prevention strategies and their critical role in supporting the well-being of the older generation.


Exercise is incredibly important in preventing falls, especially as we get older. Regular physical activity helps build and maintain strong muscles, coordination, and balance. As we age, our muscles naturally weaken, and by the time we reach 70, they can be up to 15% weaker than when we were at our strongest in our younger years. Strong muscles and better balance make it easier to stay steady on our feet and react quickly to avoid falling.

Incorporating exercise into the daily routine of an older adult might appear challenging, but it doesn't have to be. At UPG, we've been working on exercise programs in various aged care homes in Australia and with individual clients in their own homes. One successful program we've implemented is the SUNBEAM Strength and Balance Program, which has been shown to reduce the risk of falls by an impressive 55%.

Nico Talagtag, one of our physiotherapists and team leaders, has been instrumental in overseeing this program for our clients, whether they're in aged care facilities or receiving care at home. He emphasizes the vital role that exercise plays in ensuring the safety of our elderly clients: "Exercise is key in helping our clients maintain strong muscles, which, in turn, enables them to remain mobile and balanced and significantly reduces the likelihood of falling. Our physiotherapy sessions introduce residents to advanced balance exercises that translate into improved stability during their everyday activities."

In addition to implementing these exercise programs, incorporating activities such as walking, tai chi, and hydrotherapy into their routines improves overall fitness levels. It decreases the risk of falls by improving body awareness and control.

Find out more about the SUNBEAM Program HERE

Assistive Equipment

Devices like walkers, rollators, and walking sticks are incredibly helpful for people who struggle with balance or moving around. They give vital support and make everyday activities easier and safer, which means there's less chance of falling.

Choosing a suitable mobility device and ensuring it's a good fit is crucial to meet a person's unique needs. As physiotherapists, our responsibility goes beyond simply suggesting a device; we strive to ensure it's the most suitable one for the user. Moreover, we provide training and support to ensure the device is used correctly and effectively, ultimately improving the individual's well-being and mobility.

We work closely with trusted suppliers like Rehab Hire, which specializes in mobility devices, so they have in-depth knowledge of the available options and their specific features. Their expertise can help ensure that our client receives the most suitable equipment for their needs.

"Gait aids extend the body's centre of gravity, enhancing stability and fall prevention for clients. It is strongly recommended to seek guidance from a physiotherapist when considering a gait aid purchase. With various types available, a personalised recommendation ensures the chosen aid aligns with the client's unique functional and balance needs." — Winterson Razon, Business Development Manager at RehabHire

Appropriate Footwear

The third crucial aspect of fall prevention involves assessing the suitability of footwear. Ill-fitting or unsupportive shoes can heighten the risk of tripping or losing balance.

According to Andreas Ernst, our Regional Manager, “It's vital for residents to feel stable and balanced while maintaining a secure posture during their daily routines. A physio can assist in making sure footwear is fitting and the correct size, as well as supportive for your ankle joint, feet and insoles.”

Ideally, suitable footwear should possess a firm grip, ample cushioning, and a slip-resistant sole. Shoes with low heels and adjustable closures, like Velcro straps, enhance stability and ease of use. Regularly assessing and replacing worn-out footwear is crucial to preserving optimal foot support.

Clear Environment

Creating a clear and clutter-free environment is essential for minimising fall hazards. Removing obstacles, such as loose rugs and electrical cords from walkways reduces the likelihood of tripping. Adequate lighting throughout the home, especially in hallways and staircases, is key for visibility and avoiding missteps. Handrails and grab bars in bathrooms and near stairs can also provide additional support and stability.

As Physiotherapists, we work with clients, families and healthcare staff to ensure homes are set up to provide as safe an environment as possible for their intended users. "Greater space allows for our clients to mobilise freely, without increased risk of falls, injury or harm. This also allows better access for other visitors and loved ones around the room and the individual.", Nico explain.


Physiotherapy is essential in helping prevent falls by tailoring exercises and interventions to meet specific needs. A physiotherapist begins by assessing risk factors for falling and evaluating balance, strength, and how the client walks. They use this information to create a personalised plan and exercises to strengthen areas that need improvement.

Physiotherapists also educate the client and their caregivers on practical techniques to prevent falls. They empower the seniors to take an active role in their own safety, offering guidance on moving safely, body mechanics, and even using devices like walking aids to enhance independence.

Finally, physiotherapists provide ongoing support, regularly checking to see if the prevention strategies are working. They can adjust the exercise program, assess progress, and update goals. They also offer guidance on maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle to keep you as safe as possible.

If you're interested in learning more about how we can assist you, we're here for you.

Feel free to get in touch with us at 1300 884 171 or send us an email at info@unitedphysiogroup.com.au.

Laura Angarita