Empowering NDIS Participants

At UPG, our approach to physiotherapy goes beyond the conventional. It’s not just about overcoming physical barriers; it’s about empowering NDIS participants to embrace life to the fullest. Backed by over 20 years of experience, our physiotherapists are dedicated to facilitating a personal journey tailored to each person's unique needs and aspirations.

In this article, we’ll share our service guidelines that can help you unlock your full potential and reach your goals.

Focus on the Patient, Not Just the Condition

Every person is unique, with different dreams, motivations, and aspirations. That's why our approach at UPG is first to understand the person — their passions, challenges, and aspirations. This understanding allows us to create a bespoke physiotherapy program tailored to each participant, whether it's to regain strength, manage pain, or utilise assistive technologies effectively.

Empowering Independence Through Flexible Care

We know and recognise the importance of convenience and accessibility, so we offer flexible physiotherapy options, including in-home care, without additional travel charges. This ensures that our services are seamlessly integrated into daily routines, reducing stress and making care truly accessible. For those who prefer a change of scenery, we also have three well-equipped clinics/studios, fostering a refreshing and motivating environment for rehabilitation.

Building a Collaborative Support Network

Our experience has shown us that success in physiotherapy requires more than just the patient and physiotherapist; it involves a collaborative support network. Therefore, we work alongside caregivers, family members, and other professionals to ensure a holistic approach to health and independence. This collaboration extends into every aspect of our service, from treatment planning to execution, ensuring that a robust support network supports each participant's journey.

Removing Barriers to Care

We understand the logistical and financial challenges that may hinder access to necessary care. That's why we prioritise removing these barriers. Our flexible care options and commitment to no travel costs are integral parts of our strategy to ensure that everyone in the community can access high-quality physiotherapy without undue hardship. Additionally, we maintain transparency about our costs, clearly outlining what's included and what's not.

Connecting Through Diversity: Find Your Ideal Physiotherapist

We understand that finding a physiotherapist who connects with you is essential to your healing journey. That's why we offer a diverse team of physios who are here to support and care for you. Inclusivity is fundamental at UPG. We celebrate diversity in every aspect, including language, cultural background, and sexual orientation. Our clinics are designed to be inclusive spaces where everyone is welcomed and respected, creating a safe and supportive environment that reflects the diversity of the communities we serve.

At UPG, we're more than just healthcare providers; we're your partners in the journey to better health and greater independence. We're dedicated to helping you discover new possibilities and effectively manage your conditions, paving the way for a life filled with movement and independence.

Ready to Start Your Journey?

Contact us to discuss how we can empower you or your loved ones to achieve a life of greater independence and fulfillment. Join us in transforming lives through movement and empowerment. Together, we can embark on a path to better health, more freedom, and endless possibilities.

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Laura Angarita